Saturday, February 23, 2008


Tau donk palmistry itu apa? Gue termasuk orang yang seneng dan penasaran banget sama meramal lewat garis tangan ini. Bukannya kenapa-kenapa sih, tapi Atok Papi (my grandpha) juga cuma percaya sama garis tangan. Menurut beliau garis tangan adalah garis kehidupan, dan ramalan lewat berbagai macam media seperti kartu tarot, ampas kopi, atau lewat dukun itu bisa dibilang dosa dan ibadah sholat yang dalam kurun waktu berbulan-bulan udah kita kerjain jadi ngga bisa diterima. Duh Bok! Sholat aja kadang-kadang masih absen terus what do you expect? Masuk neraka?? Astaghfirullohaladzhim deh!

Berawal dari kejadian Miss Tita yang waktu itu mencoba membaca garis tangan gue, akhirnya gue jadi iseng2 pingin ngebaca-baca punya orang lain juga. Yang ujung2nya...malah bikin gue parno sendiri, soalnya gue melihat ada salah satu garis tangan gue yang beda sendiri. Dari sekian banyak palm orang yang udah gue baca, gue sama sekali ngga nemuin orang yang punya garis cinta yang kayak gue! Jangan-jangan nasib cinta gue buruk banget gara-gara gue terlalu seneng bekerja di dunia anak dan terlalu sibuk buat merealisasikan impian to be a radio announcer (ehem...the real one), yang akhirnya jadi ngga inget nikah! Jangan-jangan gue akan menjadi seperti apa yang disebut sama Bridget Jones di film Bridget Jones' Diary..."TRAGIC SPINSTER!"

Gue pun sempat nanya lagi ke The Palmistry Guru (haha), si Miss Tita...tapi dia juga ngga ngerti garis cinta gue pendek artinya apa, Akhirnya saking penasarannya, beberapa hari yang lalu, pas ketemuan dengan seorang teman gue bernama Jenny, gue pun mampir kesebuah toko buku, dan gara2 si Jenny juga...gue pun membeli buku palmistry. Dan pertanyaan yang sudah membuat gue penasaran setengah mati itu pun terjawab sudah! Huhu...alhamdulillah...

Jadi ternyata....garis cinta gue pendek itu bukan berarti buruk atau bukan berarti gue ngga akan married sepanjang hidup gue. Garis cinta pendek itu menandakan orang tersebut dalam hal ini adalah gue..."tidak tertarik untuk menodai cinta" Sahhhhhhh! Jadi tersanjung! Huhu...hidup faithful! Even it's hurt so bad! Duh jadi inget lagunya Abdul - Bodoh Untuk Setia :(

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Alhamdulillahirobbil Alamin...Thank You God For Everything...

I'm satisfied with every little things that I've done this far...and I couldn't stop to pray and say "alhamdullilahirobbil alamin". I'm thankful for every support from people I've known and just known... today's story will change my point of view in life...and I'm grateful for that :)

PS: to my goodfriend riko...CONGRATULATION for the S.T!!! *nyalain petasan* . And thank you for Ufm for the presents...I love them alot...but still...I think I'll keep the blue one until I meet him because after all...the songs are all about him :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cinderella Syndrome

OK!!!!...kemarin adalah hari terburuk sedunia buat gw! Karena akhirnya, kemarin gw merasakan kalo gw sudah berada di titik tertinggi kejenuhan. Jenuh terhadap apa? Jenuh terhadap pertanyaan2 yang membuat gw sendiri pusing jawabnya!

"Mau married kapan?????"

Sepertinya semua orang memberi target ke saya untuk menikah tahun depan!

Cinderella Syndrome! Yep, kemarin akhirnya ngomongin soal ini di kantor! Ngomongin soal "sindrom cewek2 yang masi jomblo aja tapi ngeliat umur jadi parno" hahahha. Gara2 waktu itu nonton Shrek 3 juga, pas semua princess yang tersekap akhirnya cuma bisa bilang "just wait to be saved", dimana mereka hanya bisa menunggu untuk bisa diselamatkan oleh pangeran2nya! Dan lalu hal ini menjadi bahan ejekan juga di buku yg gw baca *gak mau disebutin...malu!!*, Bunyinya begini : "what did cinderella say when her photographs didn't arrive back from processing? Some day my PRINTS will come!". That's insane! Ok, jadi kalo cinderella cs maunya menunggu supaya diselamatkan oleh pangerannya...tapi perlu waktu yg lama...ternyata ada juga cara yg cepet untuk married...Seperti ceritanya adek dari OB di kantor gw yang hilang selama sehari, setelah acara semacam tour gitu. Dan ngga tahunya... ternyata adeknya "kawin lari" (kawin lari loh!! bukan nikah lari! ngerti kan?!?!?) sama pacarnya yg adalah seorang guru disekolahnya...dan akhirnya besoknya langsung dikawinin!. Itu cara tercepat banget buat married! HAHAHAHAH.

Sampai akhirnya gw disamperin sama kakak sepupu gw (cewek) yg notabene jarak umurnya cuma setahun. Dan dikasih nasihat sama dia supaya gw jangan picky2 banget kalo sama urusan nyari cowok! Duhhhhh... gw melihat dia sendiri udah mau married gitu terus dia bilang jangan picky2 banget untuk nyari cowok justru membuat gw sendiri bertanya2....


Gw sendiri sebenernya pingin teriak "ENOUGH!!!!!!!". Nyokap gw aja nikah umur 27, kenapa gw musti buru2. Tul ngga? Tapi gak mungkin juga gw bilang gitu...takut karma! So I'll just go with the flow...saya bukan jomblo kronis!! Saya bukan orang yg gampang jatuh cinta! Dan saya juga bukan orang yg punya pikiran pendek dalam segala hal!

Ada beberapa teman dekat gw yang udah saking sebelnya, akhirnya pingin ngejodoh2in gw sama temen2 kantornya! Well ok, tampang dari mereka2 yang dijodohin ke gw memang not bad at all...kalo cewek2 yg standardnya normal (ngga kayak saya)...pasti bakal bilang "ganteng pisan!!". Tapi duhhh...kalo ganteng tapi personality bobrok atau ternyata kucing gharonk, atau anak mami banget..atau mungkin bisex juga gw malesnya naujubileee!

So? "Mau Married Kapan?"

jawaban saya:

"Ketika Allah Sudah Mempertemukan Saya dan Jodoh Saya!"

cliche sih...tapi bener kan?!?!

well anyway...last year when me and my parents were having our lunch, right after my graduation dad said, "kalo kamu beneran cinta sama dia, papa kalo ada duit...papa kirim kamu kesana.". Hehe... yah kalo jodoh ngga akan lari kemana...betul ngga?

Friday, February 15, 2008

I Dream - Dreaming

I've been dreaming about a place, where I can watch you
Smile as you let sunlight hit your face.
Where nothing can tear two people apart,
A place where its cool to open your heart

My Valentine's Day

As you know...I'm single for almost...argh! I don't even remember for how long...haha! Well it's not a big problem for me anyway. And so I didn't celebrate the day, but I did still cry a lot because of the romantic things I've found in a book a day before valentine's day, from a radio station, and also from a movie today.

The marvelous book titled "Ayat-Ayat Cinta", Yes I know that the movie will be played in a couple of days, but my good friend said the book is worthed, and so I read it. And the end I cried a lot, and I successfully made my mom confused. The book has given me so many great thoughts, and it made me to change my way of thinking, and also to keep me holding on to my beliefs. "Love is a sweet torment" is indeed true anyway...

All of the radio stations in Jakarta have variety programs in addition of celebrating the valentine's day. Since Wednesday, I've been listening to Ufm because the radio has some of these unique and romantic programs for the valentine's day theme. They have these quizzess like making a romantic poem, and making a song list of 30 romantic songs dedicated for the listener's loved one. And I did join the quiz. I made the song list and send it to the radio via email. I didn't expect that much to be the winner but I just enjoyed for making the list. And these are the songs :
  1. Carnival – The Cardigans
  2. Tentang Kamu – Tompi
  3. It’s You I’m Thinking Of – Relish
  4. We Could Be In Love – Lea Salonga & Brad Kane
  5. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden
  6. I’ve Finally Found Someone – Bryan Adams & Barbara Streisan
  7. Whenever Wherever Whatever – Maxwell
  8. Deep – Binnocular
  9. You And Me – Lifehouse
  10. Wonderful – Aretha Franklin
  11. You Make Me Feel Brand New – Boyz II Men
  12. What’s Come Over Me – Amel Larrieux & Glen Lewis
  13. Sedalam Cintamu – Indra Lesmana feat. Nania
  14. I Love You Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel
  15. Your Love Is King – Will Young
  16. No Ordinary Love – Jennifer Love Hewitt
  17. You’re The Owner Of My Heart – Sasha
  18. Spend My Life With You – Eric Benet
  19. Dengarkanlah – Glenn Fredly & Amy Mastura
  20. Try Try Try – Smashing Pumpkins
  21. Kangen – Chrisye & Sophia Latjuba
  22. Tell Me Where It Hurts – MYMP
  23. It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over – Lenny Kravitz
  24. Gemintang – Andien
  25. Walking After You – Foo Fighters
  26. If I never Get To Heaven – Javier
  27. Reason For Breathing – Babyface
  28. Sampai Kapan – Maliq & D’essentials
  29. If I Ain’t Got You – Alicia Keys
  30. Wait For You – Elliot Yamin
I also send an sms to Ufm this morning, on my way to work, replying the question about "the sweetest thing you had ever received" and Imam, one of the announcer read it on air...and I cried when he read "love is indeed a sweet vain" written by me...and not long after that, they played the song from Rihanna and Neyo "Hate That I Love You" tears couldn't stop after.

And this evening rite after I wen't home, I watched "Juno". I cried again at the end of the movie. It was a sweet and a romantic ending, and I loooove it a lot.

This is the lyrics from the OST. Juno, titled "Anyone Else But You"

You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage
I want more fans, you want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

You are always trying to keep it real
[Anyone Else But You lyrics on]

I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saya Jomblo? So What?!?!

I've wrote a blog about me being jomblo on May 5th, 2007.

Saya heran deh...kenapa ya orang2 disekitar saya pada pusing mikirin saya masih jomblo, padahal saya sendiri ngga pusing2 amat. Saya hanya menjalani kehidupan saya sekarang seperti apa adanya. Kalo kata orang bijak : "Just Go With The Flow". Yang lucunya yah, setiap bertemu dengan orang2 baru...pasti ada aja yg bertanya:

"Pacar lo siapa dan?"

atau ada lagi yang bertanya tapi anehnya dijawab sendiri, seperti:

"Lo pasti ada pacar kan? Ngga mungkin ngga!"

Bos saya malah beda lagi statementnya...:

"Danty...kalo kamu pasti pacarnya banyak deh?!"

Blah???? Begimana toooh....Yang ada saya malah ketawa2 aja.

Waktu saya bilang saya jomblo...dan saya ngasih tau sudah jomblo berapa lama...mereka ngga percaya, malah saya sempat dibilang bohong HAIHAIHAIAHI....kocak banget deh kalo dipikir2. Saya nya biasa2 aja, tapi mereka yg terheran2.

Kalo saya sih tenang2 aja...lagian nyokap juga bilang "kalo belon jodoh yah ngga akan ketemu2...". Jadi ya memang sekarang saya lagi blom nemu jodoh huhuhu. Jomblo2 yang penting bahagia dan masih bisa menikmati hidup, masih punya banyak orang disekitar yg bisa saya sayangi dan bisa menyanyangi saya. Betul?!?!?



and my friends replied :

gharonk wrote on May 6, '07, edited on May 6, '07
danty mah dikutuk jomblo... ups!

osarusan wrote on May 6, '07
lo ditanya2 kyak gituh soalnya banyaaaak yang pengen jadi cowok lo dan..hihihihihihi..ato gak ada temen cewek lo yang mo deketin lo ma temennya. huahuahuahua..semakin banyak yang nanya, berarti lo lakuuu hehehehehehe...Hidup RInggo!! *hah?*
dartz wrote on May 6, '07
ringgonya jadi bau ilernya danty,
ya Alloh....kesian banget ya si ringgo...
udeh bonyok diciumin,
bau iler pula...haueuaheuhaeuhaue!
iwed wrote on May 7, '07
Tenang siiist, gw jomblo... Temen cowo gw banyak, dan satupun ngga ada yang naksir gw (kenapa Tuhan..Oh kenapa?!), huehehehehe....

So what? We're still young honey, nikmatin hidup aja (begini aja terus sampe umur 30, pas nyadar udah tua masih jomblo langsung panik, hihihihi...)

Sunday, February 10, 2008



Those who don't live alone can't know
How silence inspires fear,
How one talks to oneself
And rushes from mirror to mirror
In search of a living soul;
They can't understand.

Orhan Veli

PS: Re-post from

About Men!

Maybe this post can help you to understand about Men's (the mature one I mean) world also :)

dartz wrote on May 6, '07

entynty said
nah kalo ada cowok jomblo bertahun2 itu yg gw heran...apa karena gw memakai azas "cowok yg harusnya mengejar cewek, dan cewek yang dikejar"..jadi cewek lebih banyak menunggu haihaiahia. Jadi aneh ajaa gitu kalo co jomblo bertahun2. hihihi

uhmmm..... koleksi, seleksi, resepsi :)
belajar mengenal itu emang memakan waktu selama itu..
apalagi pake acara ngejar career, something are left behind,

truthfully, to me, kadang iri ama 9am-5pmers,
they got time! to spent for looking,
to spent to going with their spouse, or the targeted one...
me ? i have to build this "home" for my future, or else i'll crushed...
o well, its my problem :)

kurang lebih situasiny nty,
di gue, mungkin mesti cari cewe yg bisa understand...
dan itu susah banget, some of them feels left behind...
udah gitu ya, cuman bisa menghela nafas,
ya ude, mo gimane, kalo merhatiin die ngabisin 3 hari,
bisa mampus gue...hahah...

Yes it's true that sometimes we want men to understand us ...but vice versa, they want us to understand them too. So girls...take and give is the thing!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Making The First Move?

I am "cewek kuno!". I don't feel OK if I had to make the first move. Why? Because I'm afraid to get hurt, and I'm easily hurt huhu...pathetic me! So what am I supposed to do then? Argh.... I like that guy a lot :( ...but I don't think I can do that much. Damn! This is "Cinderella Syndrome" I supposed...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Me Being Single And Picky

People who are closed to me like my family and my friends (plus my boss) had been asking me the same questions over and over again such as: "pacar sekarang siapa?" or, "masih setia sama status single lo?" or even worse, "kapan married?". Haha...yeah it's kinda the same question asked for Ringgo Agus Rahman in one of a well-known cigarette's commercial. It sometimes makes me want to shout: "enough asking me the same old question, thank you!". But what is the reason of me being single exactly?

Ok, first of all...I admit that I am picky. I have my standards in finding a PERFECT man. But people always said to me, "semua orang gak ada yang sempurna!". Oh yes I already know and surely understand about that! But all of the available men I have met are all confusing me!

Try this man named Sandro, at first he seemed to be nice, more than two years older than me, sooo mature, kind, and sweet. Overall, he was a type of a guy that every girls ever wanted for. He said that he has some serious problems with himself, and after that we're ended up for just being friends. The latest news about him, he's still single up until now!

And there was also this guy named Odrick. When the first time I saw him, I knew that he was perfect. He was such a hard worker and so damn clever (but not a bookworm of course). Oh! he was also sweet, he was so anxious to meet me again and again but then, one of his ex was such a maniac! She send me a message to stay away from him (she assumed herself was still in a relationship with him). Maybe I was the stupid one because I believed him in the first place. But if it was true, why he didn't want to stand up for me? I hate him for being such a looser if that was so! I'm not the kind of girl to complicate the past anyway. One day after, I changed his name in my contacts became "The Jerk" haha!

And the last one was this guy named Brandon. He was super nice, his face also nice, we had interest similarities in music and movies, but then after months of getting to know him, he turned out to be a drama king! I mean I have met people with such problems, but I haven't met this kind of guy who thought that his thousands of problems couldn't get solved. Moreover, he was so "GR" or very pathetically optimistic about me to him. He thought I was so into him, and I was so deeply in love with him and the worst was I wanted to make a commitment with him ASAP! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Imagine that! I couldn't stand with him anymore so I stopped to reply his every single SMS or to pick up his call for quite along time, until I realized that he's not mature enough so I forgave him and now we're friends.

Tired of seeing those kinds of men who are being nice at first but then turned out to be annoying at the end, this experience made me to be a pretty picky single girl. I don't want to see a man just from the outside, I've learned that not every good looking guy are good in the inside. I'm mentioning about their attitude and their ways of thinking. I prefer someone who wouldn't get every women's head turn, but someone whom I see is charming from the inside, a man who can make me laugh hard and a man who can stand by my side in good times or bad times for a long time...maybe for the rest of my life...Amien!

So I stop for dating random guys. Now I just interested in meeting new friends at first...and for the rest? I'll just go with the flow and I know I'll be saved :). Like what they said, "what ever will be, will be!".

PS: Names are changed for their own sake...hehe.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Sun And The Moon

The sun appears with a morning light
and the moon brings to light at night
And everyone knows they can't show up in the same sight...

The sun is shining to make the day
and the moon is glowing to end the day
And everyone knows no one can change that way...

I'm like the sun waiting for the moon
and he's like the moon without a sun
And only God knows it when...
we can see each other again...

Monday, February 4, 2008

I Don't Mind To Be Alone

Seriously? Haha...I know you were asking about that rite after you read the title. Tapi sendirian yang bagaimana dulu nih? Don't get me wrong here! Yes, I'm still a normal person, benar2 manusia normal! My social life is average. Alhamdulillah gue mempunyai banyak teman, and yes, I do still need someone by my side. Bok! Tiga tahun lebih jomblo rasanya kayak mati rasa! *curhat colongan....* But sometimes my friends are confused and amazed about me when I go for shopping by myself, drinking a coffee at a coffee shop alone, even watching a movie alone. I really don't mind to do those things without anyone accompanied me, because I enjoy it.

But there's a moment when I can't stand for being alone, kayaknya kalau sendirian tuh gue jadi merasa risih karena merasa yang kurang kayak when I have to dine in at a restaurant or a food court with no one else but me! Hidup seperti sangat menyedihkan kalau makan sendirian...To have a lunch or dinner with friends or family or even someone is better than to eat alone. Gue merasa seperti diliatin sama beberapa orang kalau makan sendirian di satu meja yang jumlah kursinya lebih dari empat! It makes me wonder that they're thinking about me having problems in socializing, or I've been dumped by someone and got depressed because I have ordered more than three kinds of food and because I'm eating alone in a table for more than 2 persons! Biasalah kalau nafsu makan lagi menggila hiahiahia....