Sunday, February 10, 2008

About Men!

Maybe this post can help you to understand about Men's (the mature one I mean) world also :)

dartz wrote on May 6, '07

entynty said
nah kalo ada cowok jomblo bertahun2 itu yg gw heran...apa karena gw memakai azas "cowok yg harusnya mengejar cewek, dan cewek yang dikejar"..jadi cewek lebih banyak menunggu haihaiahia. Jadi aneh ajaa gitu kalo co jomblo bertahun2. hihihi

uhmmm..... koleksi, seleksi, resepsi :)
belajar mengenal itu emang memakan waktu selama itu..
apalagi pake acara ngejar career, something are left behind,

truthfully, to me, kadang iri ama 9am-5pmers,
they got time! to spent for looking,
to spent to going with their spouse, or the targeted one...
me ? i have to build this "home" for my future, or else i'll crushed...
o well, its my problem :)

kurang lebih situasiny nty,
di gue, mungkin mesti cari cewe yg bisa understand...
dan itu susah banget, some of them feels left behind...
udah gitu ya, cuman bisa menghela nafas,
ya ude, mo gimane, kalo merhatiin die ngabisin 3 hari,
bisa mampus gue...hahah...

Yes it's true that sometimes we want men to understand us ...but vice versa, they want us to understand them too. So girls...take and give is the thing!

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