Monday, April 18, 2005

Anotha Hectic Week

Sunday, 100405

Jam setengah 6 pagi udah bangun! Rekor bangun terpagi di hari minggu tuh! Biasanya bangun jam 10 atau 9 paling pagi! It was because of I had a big family gathering @ Hang Tuah which started on 10, but they said that Aunty wanted us (cucu2 yg paling besar) to get there @ 8!! So, at 7 we (Gue, asta en Dinal, but we dropped Dinal first to Alizhar) leaved da house and arrived there @ 7.30! Oh Great! Kita kepagian!! Jadi cuma Gue and Asta doank yg ada disana bersama Pak Nas (the annoying person who wants to know everything! Gossip Sissy!). 10 past 8 Abbie and Sari arrived, thank god! And one by one the others arrived with nothing than a gripe face! I knew they all had a same thought..."IT'S SUNDAY FOR GOD'S SAKE!! I STILL NEED MY BED!" Oh well, the gathering was great enough...coz there was RIBS, MASHED POTATOES, TIRAMISU, CHOCO PUDING and CARAMEL PUDING FOR LUNCHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Heheheh...oh! Right now, I realized that I have a a big family, I mean A REALLY2 BIG FAMILY! Sampe' Kak Baby bilang "wah kalo sekarang sih pasti pada kenal2an, nanti kalo ketemu di jalan, mobilnya nyerempet juga bakal marah2an" buhabuahabua...

Abis itu gue ke PS dey bsama Anka, Alzena and Asta...nonton The Racing Stripes! Funny as hell! But you know what, I cried a bit at the end of da movie, kinda touchy indeed!! Huhuuuu...

Wednesday, 130405

So damn tired, gone to Gita's house @ 5! It was all because of that damn funny japanese movie, I only got 4 hours to sleep! Sleeping in Gita's car on da way to campus, by hugging his teddy bear (I called it with somebody's name that I won't tell you who hehe) and stucked my ears with earphones, listening to Guy Sebastian's songs from my Atrac CD. Had classes until 1 o'clock, felt more tired...but then Idunk and Bipay joined me, gita and wiwit...made me a bit awake because of all da story that could make me laugh and because of discussing about da questionnaires result. 5 o'clock...waiting for Titut and Ian til 7 and then gone to Bowo's house, tahlilan 7 harian nyokapnya.

Jam 7 akhirnya berangkat ke rumah Bowo bareng Titut, dan Lani, dan temennya Titut yg sama sekali ngga bisa diem! Berisiiiiiiiik banget. Gue jadi ngga ngantuk lagi huahuahu. Untungnya dia cuma diturunin di depan Alazhar, mau naik busway, kalo ngga...hadohhhh bisa pusing gue dengerin dia ngomong mlulu huahauha. Sampe rumah Bowo sekitar jam 8 kurang, untung tahlilannya blom dimulai. Pokoknya selesai tahlilan gue sama yg lain langsung keluar gitu ketemu orang2 yg ngga ikutan masuk. Gue ngga kenal smuanya siyh, yg jelas ada Riko sama Botel. Ntah kenapa, hari itu meskipun malem udara PANAAAAAAAAAAAAASSS banget, padahal gue pake kaos. Mungkin juga karena gue kebanyakan ketawa ngeliatin tingkah Ian, Titut, Lani, Rama sama Riko. Pokoknya sampe gue keringetan! Untungnya abis itu kita semua masuk ke kamar bowo yang dingin dan nonton video amatir yg berhasil direkam oleh performancenya Riko, Botel and D'essensial! Gue ketawa mlulu dengerin cerita dibalik semuanya!

Jam sebelas kurang akhirnya Gue, Titut, Lani dan Ian pulang...sampe rumah jam setengah 1! Tepar abissssssss! Untungnya sih besoknya libur hehe :D

Thursday, 140405

Shoped with mom to ITC!! Went to Wiwit's house...did da research method project. FINISHEEEEDDD AT LASSSSSSSST!! Noodle omelette made by Wiwit's mom was so irresistable! Nyummiy!! Pretty full hehehe... was waiting for my driver @ Gita's house, Idunk called...huah!! Couldn't stop laughing! And then Pasha called...confirmed about his birthday "ulang tahun gue tuh 19 oktoberr!!" buahuahauh...sorryyy I really2 didnt know!! He told me about the story behind his 'unwanted' new hair, made me laugh more harder!! Joined Gita and Bipay, talked about his Lambatz friend...a guy who has a gf 5 times bigger than him??? THAT'S FUNNY!!! hauhahuahu...

Friday, 150405


Saturday, 160405

Just went to campus, had a make up class on first shift until 4th shift. Met Bipay and Idunk + Arti. Idunk new hair cut has a mohawk on the back huahuahau.

Monday, 180405

Went to campus, made some junior to fill on my group's questionaires...AT LAST!!!! Abis itu nomat deyh bsama Gitcrut, nonton The Pacifier...VIN DIESEL...I ADORE THEE!!! huehuehue...

Tuesday, 190405

I have nuthin to write, just had a teaching observation on da Management Class...BORING!!!!!!

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